Saturday, August 4, 2007


Look at the black patch under the U.S. flag .

The patch says "Doing the work of" The flags are France, Germany , and Russia.

I'm told that there is a huge rock near a gravel pit on Hwy. 25 in rural Iowa . For generations, kids have painted slogans, names, and obscenities on this rock, changing its character many times. A few months back, the rock received its latest paint job, and since then it has been left completely undisturbed. It's quite an impressive sight. Be sure to scrolldown and check out the multiple photos. (all angles) of the rock.

I thought the flag was draped over the rock, but it's not. It's actually painted on the rock too.

Here's the artist -- Ray "Bubba" Sorensen.
AWESOME Work, RAY...Thank you!
"God Bless America " and "OUR SOLDIERS AND VETS"

Friday, August 3, 2007


First, I posted some photos of "your" sons on my blog --- go have a look and see if your sons are in any of the photos. I've got more but have been too busy to put them up.

Second, would the person who left a comment on my blog under the post "Mom, did you call the President?", regarding Austin's Commanding Officer, please let me know who you are. That comment went straight to my heart and I VERY MUCH appreciate your kind and sincere words. You absolutely made my day! Thank you.

Jo Ann Ross
Austin's Mom